Information Accuracy
By signing below, I certify that the answers and information, whether set out above, attached to this Employment Application, or provided to Rise Association Management Group as a part of my application process, are true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if any such information is not true, accurate and complete, I may be disqualified from further consideration for employment, or, if discovered at a later date, dismissed from employment. I authorize Rise Association Management Group to investigate all statements contained in this application for employment, and to investigate my character and qualifications. I authorize my prior employers, references, and others with information regarding my work, educational history, or my character, to provide Rise Association Management Group all requested information and reference, and to cooperate fully with the investigation of my character and qualifications. I further release all the sources referenced (and all their employees, officer, directors and agents, and Rise Association Management Group and its employees, officer, directors and agents) of all the claims and liability for any damage resulting from their furnishing any information, whether I agree or disagree with the content of the disclosed information. Thus, I understand that if any of the reference sources discloses information which I believe to be erroneous, I cannot bring any legal action against that source or Rise Association Management Group regarding the disclosure of the information.
Background Check & FCRA
In consideration for employment, Rise Association Management Group may obtain a consumer report, including a report from the Department of Motor Vehicles (if applying for a position involving driving during work hours), and/or background reports, which may include any criminal conviction records from any federal, state or local law enforcement agency or court, as a part of the process of considering my candidacy. In the event that information from the report is utilized in whole, or in part, in making an adverse decision with regard to my potential employment, before making the adverse decision Rise Association Management Group will provide me with a copy of the report and a description, in writing of my rights der The Fair Credit Reporting Act. (The Fair Credit Reporting Act defines specific rights in dealing with consumer reporting agencies. You may request a summary of these rights from Rise Association Management Group at this time, if you wish.) I further release Rise Association Management Group (and all their employees, officer, directors and agents) and any law enforcement agency from any and all liability for any damages resulting from furnishing any criminal conviction information, whether I agree or disagree with the contents of the information.
Employment At-Will
I understand that this application is not a contract of employment. I also acknowledge that no oral representations have been made, that no one within Rise Association Management Group has the authority to make oral contracts whatsoever. I understand that if Rise Association Management Group makes an offer of employment, my employment is terminable at-will, with or without cause, by either myself or Rise Association Management Group at any time.
Policy Compliance
I understand that Rise Association Management Group’s Drug-Free Workplace Policy (you may request a copy of this policy if you wish) applies to all applicants and employees, if I am employed. I understand that after I submit this application, I am required to report to Rise Association Management Group in writing within five days of a drug conviction, and I acknowledge that failure to do so will result in my not being considered for any job with Rise Association Management Group in the future. If I am employed by Rise Association Management Group, and in return for such employment, I agree to comply with all policies and procedures of Rise Association Management Group, including the rules and regulations set forth in any handbook, manual, policy or any other communication. I also agree to submit to any lawful drug, polygraph, or integrity testing that may be required as a condition of employment and understand that refusal to submit to such testing during the course of my employment may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. I understand that any offer of employment would be contingent on my ability to produce documentation required by law to verify my identity and either U.S. citizen status or authorization to work in the U.S. Nothing herein creates a promise of employment, nor does it change the at-will nature of my employment if I am employed.