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HOUSTON, Texas– 

In a heart-pounding incident that unfolded earlier this week at a local high-rise condominium, two quick-thinking employees from RISE Association Management Group acted swiftly to save a dog whose leash had become dangerously caught in an elevator door.

The dramatic event began when Carlos, a concierge at the building, noticed something alarming on the front desk camera. ” Never a dull moment in the life of a RISE Concierge!” Carlos began. “…When I saw a dog hanging from one of our elevators on the cameras I radioed David and ran as fast as I could to the elevator” Carlos recounted. 

David, another member of the management team, hearing the distress call quickly assessed the situation and managed to stop the elevator, ensuring that Mabel, the dog, was safely released from the precarious situation. Thanks to their fast acting condo management, Mabel escaped without injury.

“This is Houston so we train for emergencies all the time” David stated. “I’m just glad we saw it right away and got there in time to stop the elevator.”

The incident highlights the importance of remaining vigilant and proactive in high-rise living environments, especially when it comes to pet safety. Carlos and David’s swift actions, a prime example of fast acting condo management, averted what could have been a tragic outcome, demonstrating the critical role that attentive and proactive management plays in safeguarding the well-being of both residents and their pets.

The condominium community has since been reminded of the importance of holding pet leashes securely when entering and exiting elevators to prevent similar incidents in the future. Carlos and David have been commended for their heroic actions, which serve as a testament to the dedication and care of the RISE Association Management team.

Carlos and David will be awarded RISE’s Valor Award for their heroic actions saving a cherished resident of the community.

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